Top Tips for Benefit Applications

Benefit applications can be a complicated, drawn out and often degrading experience for amputees.

This blog from Steel Bones Volunteer Wendy has been created to help take out some of that stress. Wendy has volunteered previously with Citizens Advice Bureau and is an amputee herself. She has done marvellous work in helping navigate appeals and submit applications for amputee families.  Below, Wendy to note down her top tips for benefit applications.

First off, don’t panic! Read the questions through several times before you attempt to fill them in. 

To prepare, get list of all medication (even items you buy yourself over the counter) showing dosage and strength.  Collect all of your consultants / physio / OT / GP / Physio / Psychotherapist  appointment letters showing diagnosis, treatments, surgery dates, address, and phone numbers. Anything else you can gather here may come in handy, so grab everything you can that may relate to your application.

List ALL your disabilities, conditions, and illnesses, even if you think they won’t count. Remember, your difficulties may not have started with your amputation! Then list of all aids you use. Take a look around your home, you’ve probably got more than you think! Include everything such as a grabber, a chair if you need to sit to dressv/vundress, grab rails and more.

When answering, be 100% honest but look at the really bad days. Consider that you may be able to do the activity specified, but you may do it much slower than a person who doesn’t have your difficulties, need to use an aid or help from another person, or it may be unsafe for you to complete such an activity. Include how it makes you feel.

Always try to give examples of the difficulties you have. Explain if any activities cause you pain. Remember, don’t be embarrassed! It’s okay not to be okay! If you don’t tell them the full extent of your difficulties, they won’t know. They don’t take anything for granted or second guess even if it obvious to us.

Finally, allow plenty of time to complete the forms and keep a copy for your reference when you have your assessment. If you post your completed forms, send them recorded delivery so you have proof of delivery. 


Phantom Limb Pain